This year, the 21st of June marks the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, and an astronomical event that has been honored and celebrated by Pagan people for millennia. It is also the first day of summer, and the beginning of the cardinal sign, Cancer. Litha, as it is known in many neo-pagan circles, is the day that the waxing sun reaches its zenith, and the God’s strength and fertility culminates in all of its joyful exuberance.
The Horned God from the Gunderstrup Cauldron |
Magical Oak Tree |
As with the natural laws of nature, most Pagan paths support a worldview that recognizes the sacred balance that is inherent in all things, and thus, whatever else the God is, he is always the consort of the Goddess. Paganism realizes that there is never a day without a night; an autumn without a spring; or god without goddess. This is one of the great differences between earth based spirituality and paths which support a "Sky God" belief. The god of the Christian/Judaic religions has no feminine counterpart, ultimately sustaining an unbalanced system. For logically, how could there be male without female? The two are equal and necessary halves to wholeness; Be they in a cosmological sense, or within one's own psyche.
Summer Solstice is the time on the Wheel of the Year that the Goddess and the God have both reached the fullness of their sexual maturity. All of nature reflects this in a climax of life fulfilling its potential: everything is at its full flowering peak; a final thrust before the gradual drift into the long exhale that is the dark half of the year.